Week 5 programming: lists

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A: Head and tail, first and second

You can get the head and the tail of a list with functions hd and tl.

In OCaml/utop, you first have to type

open List;;

to get access to these functions.

You can get the first and the second part of a pair with the functions fst and snd. This only works for 2-tuples (e.g. (3, "abc")), not smaller tuples (like (), (2, 3, 4), ...) .

  • Can you find the head and the tail of the terms from last week, if they exist?
  • Can you find the first and the second component of any pairs in those terms?

Check your answers with ocaml/utop.

B: Cons exercises

Which of these terms is valid? If it is valid, what is its value, and what is its type?

Check your answers with ocaml/utop.

  1. 3 :: []

  2. 3 :: 4 :: []

  3. 3 :: [4]

  4. [3] :: []

  5. [3] :: 4

  6. [] :: []

  7. [] :: [[]]

  8. [[]] :: []

  9. [[]] :: [[]]

  10. [] :: [], []

  11. [] :: []; []

  12. [[] :: []; []]

    (Note: this is very different!)

C: List exercises

Do the exercises from https://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/99problems.html; solutions are provided.

Additional hints given on Canvas:

Some of the question use the OCaml option type. This type is used to return a special value (None) when a function cannot be computed, instead of throwing an exception. For example, the standard hd function is:

let hd = function
  | [] -> failwith "hd"
  | x :: _ -> x

and has type

val hd : 'a list -> 'a = <fun>

If you want to avoid throwing a failure the alternative is this:

let hd = function
  | [] -> None
  | x :: _ -> Some x

and has type

val hd : 'a list -> 'a option = <fun>

For the purpose of this assignment you can ignore the option type and use failwith instead of None.

For a longer discussion of option types read this article: https://blogs.janestreet.com/making-something-out-of-nothing-or-why-none-is-better-than-nan-and-null/

See also:the assignment on Canvas

We did some exercises without option. I have here filled in our solutions.

  1. Make a function last that finds the last element of a list. We want that:

    last [3; 5] = 5
    last [3] = 3
    last [] = an error

    (Now you can click on the button below; there is an answer.)

    (answer goes here)

    We are making a function on lists, so probably we’ll need recursion. (Use let rec.)

    We can make a first attempt by just writing down these cases. Last of a two-element list should return the second element, and so forth. In the “otherwise” case (_), we wish to give an error.

    let rec last l = match l with
      | [x; y] -> y
      | [x] -> x
      | [] -> failwith "last"
      | _ -> failwith "dunno"

    We can make the last case more specific, because the list will not be empty:

    let rec last l = match l with
      | [x; y] -> y
      | [x] -> x
      | [] -> failwith "last"
      | x::xs -> failwith "dunno"

    We can not list all the possible list length, because a list can be arbitrarily long. So we need to use recursion. Usually, structural recursion is enough.

    What’s the relation between last [2; 3; 4] and last of its tail, last [3; 4]?

    They are equal. So we write:

    let rec last l = match l with
      | [x; y] -> y
      | [x] -> x
      | [] -> failwith "last"
      | x::xs -> last (tl l)

    We simplify this in two ways. Firstly, in the last case, we already have tl l in a variable, namely xs.

    let rec last l = match l with
      | [x; y] -> y
      | [x] -> x
      | [] -> failwith "last"
      | x::xs -> last xs

    We also don’t need to do the special case for two elements.

    let rec last l = match l with
      | [x; y] -> y
      | [x] -> x
      | [] -> failwith "last"
      | x::xs -> last xs
  2. Make a function pen that finds the penultimate element of a list.

    Write down some example inputs and outputs like above, then write the solution.

    (answer goes here)

    We want

    pen [] = error
    pen [2; 3; 4] = 3
    pen [2] = error
    pen [2; 3] = 2


    let rec pen l = match l with
      | [] -> failwith "pen empty"
      | [a] -> failwith "pen of one element"
      | [a; b] -> a
      | x::xs -> pen xs ;;
  3. Make a function pens that finds the last two elements of a list and puts them in a pair.

    Write down some example inputs and outputs like above, then write the solution.

    (answer goes here)

    We want

    pens [3; 4] = (3, 4)
    pens [4] = error
    pens [] = error
    pens [2; 3; 4] = (3, 4)


    let rec pens l = match l with
      | [] -> failwith "pens empty"
      | [a] -> failwith "pens of one element"
      | [a; b] -> (a, b)
      | x::xs -> pens xs ;;
  4. Make a function at that finds the n’th element of a list. We want:

    at 3 [4; 5; 6; 7; 8] = 8
    at 3 [] = error
    at 0 [4; 5; 6] = error
    at (-2) [4; 5; 6] = error
    at 1 [4; 5; 6] = 4

    Note that usually when programming, we count from 0 because it tends to make things easier. For some mysterious reason, the exercise designers have chosen to count from 1 here.

    (answer goes here)
    let rec at k l = match l with
    | [] -> failwith "at"
    | x::xs -> if k < 1 then failwith "at" else if k = 1 then x else at (k-1) xs;;

    (Note that I forgot to write the if k = 1 then x else in the tutorial, which some students helpfully pointed out.)